Course 1 – Node.js testing, the COMPREHENSIVE basics
This course is included in the bundle and suits developers with little or no testing experience. The list below includes selected topics from the course, full curriculum can be found here.
- Introduction To Testing – what value do they bring to our workflow?
- The test anatomy – writing our first unit tests using a test runner
- Test hooks – why and when should we write code between tests
- Test doubles – When, why, and how do we need to replace parts of our code during testing (6 techniques)
- Writing clean tests – how to keep our tests ‘dead-simple.’
- Integration tests – writing tests against an API
- Testing strategies – which type of tests and how much should we write?
Course 2 – Node.js testing, BEYOND the basics
This course is included in the bundle and suits experienced developers who wish to learn about advanced concepts. The list below includes selected topics from the course, full curriculum can be found here.
- Modern testing strategy – which type of test suits modern systems more than others
- The testing infrastructure – setup a performant database, webserver, cache and message queue for testing
- Testing against an API – patterns for working with APIs in testing
- Testing with data(base) – patterns and challenges when testing with data and database
- Testing integration with other services – risks and patterns when working with APIs of other services
- Testing for observability – ensuring that our errors and crashes are handled correctly and are observable outside
- Testing with message queues – testing flows that start or end at a message broker